Self-Referral Services


Adult Mental Health Services

Mental health services are free on the NHS. Your mental health is important and you should get help if you need it. It can be difficult to ask for help, but if you feel like you’re struggling, it’s important to get the right support.  

Medway Talking Therapies provide free, confidential therapy for people aged 17.5+ years who are registered with a Medway GP.  They offer one-to-one sessions with a dedicated therapist at a time convenient to you.  You can get matched with a therapist here, or complete an online self referral form. Alternatively, you can telephone on 0333 0910414.

IESO Health treats a range of common mental health issues including anxiety and worry, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias, sleep problems and stress. Refer yourself online to ieso Health or telephone on 0800 074 5560.

Vita Health Group can provide you with advice, guidance and support if you are suffering from anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, low mood or excessive worry. You can self refer or telephone 0333 0153 495.

SUN (Service User Network) is a peer support network group designed for people whose emotions are negatively impacting their life, and is now available for people to self-refer across Kent and Medway.

You can join SUN if you are registered with a Kent and Medway GP and are over 18 years old.  Once you become a member, you are able to attend the meetings as often as you wish. The meetings are run by those with lived experience and a clinician. The groups are a safe place to share feelings and emotions in a confidential way.

You can access the service by emailing

Alternative mental health support
There are several ways adults can reach out for help:


Children and Young People's Mental Health Services

The Children and Young People's Mental Health Service (CYPMHS) provides emotional wellbeing and mental health advice and support for young people and their families across Kent. The service is open to young people between the ages of 0-18, or up to 25 in some instances, for example those with special educational needs. CYPMHS offers advice and support for stress, low mood and depression, anxiety, self-harm or difficult to manage behaviours. You can visit their website to complete a referral online.

KOOTH (for children and young people)  provides a free, safe and anonymous mental health and wellbeing service, providing online counselling and support for children and young people aged 10 to 25 years old.  Kooth is the UK's largest digital mental health provider and is a confidential way for young people to get help with their emotional wellbeing. You can seek advice and information, or to speak to someone who understands.

The online service offers peer to peer support through moderated discussion forums, as well as self-help through reading or submitting content. Kooth's fully trained, qualified counsellors and emotional wellbeing practitioners are also available to talk to every day from midday to 10pm every weekday, and from 6pm to 10pm at weekends.

You can drop in for one-to-one text-based chats, or more structured booked sessions depending on your individual needs. There are no waiting lists, no referrals and no thresholds required to access the service, which is accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) .


Dementia Support

If you have been diagnosed with Dementia, you can refer yourself to our Dementia Coordinator at ADSS (Alzheimer's and Dementia Support Services). You can complete the referral form online here. A Dementia Coordinator will be your point of contact throughout your experience of dementia. They work with your doctor’s surgery to help provide support and guidance and they will help you to access information, support, and guidance you need to enable you to get the most out of life and understand your condition. 


Weight Loss Management

If you want to find out ways to lose weight for FREE in MEDWAY, explore some programmes HERE. Alternatively, telephone 01634 334814 to get expert advice on which programme is right for you.

If you want help to shed a few pounds, stay on track and get your body moving, you can use the Oviva Weight Management App.

If you are ready to lose weight and improve your health One You Kent can offer help with their FREE 12-week programme.  If you wish to completa a referral form, please do so Here.


Type 2 Diabetes

Healthy Living is a FREE, online NHS programme that supports people to live well with type 2 diabetes.

You can use the Healthy Living programme whenever suits you, and for as long as you need. It can also be used alongside any other diabetes programmes or education you may be taking part in.

You can sign up by completing the Registration Form


Drugs and Alcohol Support

If you feel that your substance use is causing a problem in your life, however small or large, change needs to happen. Forward Trust will work with you to achieve your goals, whether that's building a life completely free from substances or simply cutting down and staying safe. They are a national organisation, with services located in all regions of England.  

If you are aged 18+ and live in the Medway area, your local service is provided by Medway Treatment and Recovery Service. You can get in touch with them either by telephone on 0300 123 1560, email:, complete a Self Referral Form Online, or you can chat to someone in person by dropping by the main hub at 423 Chatham High Street, Kent, ME4 4NU.


Neurodevelopmental and Learning Disabilities Service

The Neurodevelopmental and Learning Disabilities Service is based in Kent and Medway.  The Learning Disabilities Pathway provides support for children and young people up to the age of 18 years, and their families and support networks, for children who have moderate to severe learning disabilities where there are concerns for the child’s mental health and/or behaviour that can challenge. 

They also provide  an autism assessment pathway for all children and young people aged 11-17 years in West Kent and Medway. Young people aged 18 and over will need to be assessed by adult autism services. If you are looking to refer a child or young person for an ADHD Diagnostic assessment or other mental health support please complete a referral form online.


Medway Sexual Health Hub

Clover Street Clinic is located at 4 Clover Street, Chatham and offers a free, friendly and confidential service to everyone, regardless of your age, gender or sexual orientation. Telephone: 0300 123 1678. They can help with contraception and contracepton advice, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections and general sexual health advice.  

If you are under 25,  there are also some clinics that run sessions exclusively for young people.  Under 25.



You can refer yourself to deliver your baby under Medway Hospital care using an online referral form. They have four Community Midwifery teams that provide pregnancy care over different geographical areas. Please complete a Self Referral Form.

FKCHFT Outpatient MSK Physiotherapy Self-referral service

Do you know that you can self-refer to FKCHFT?  They offer musculoskeletal physiotherapy outpatient appointments face to face and virtually. They also have back and knee group education sessions, a range of exercise classes and are able to provide gym-based rehabilitation.

If you would like to use this service, pleae click HERE.  

Alternatively, you can download and complete the paper version.

Self Referral to Medway Community Healthcare (MCH)

Musculoskeletal (MSK) Physiotherapy

You can complete an online or paper referral form outlining why you feel you need physiotherapy which will be returned to the MSK triage service for screening by a senior clinician. If physiotherapy is the appropriate treatment, you will be able to choose from any qualified providers (AQPs) in Medway or Swale and the referral will be sent to that provider to book an appointment. 

If the referral is deemed suitable for the Orthopaedic Clinical Assessment Service (CAS) and not physiotherapy, these referrals will be accepted by MCH and an appointment will be booked when you reach the top of the CAS waiting list. They will also accept patients returning for repeat injections or follow ups when you  have received care through CAS previously. 

You can self-refer HERE

Wound Care Service

If you are a patient with a Medway GP, you can self-refer for wound care services by completing an ONLINE REFERRAL FORM

Wound therapy clinics are held at Rochester Healthy Living Centre, Lordswood Healthy Living Centre, Chatham, Balmoral Healthy Living Centre, Gillingham, Rainham Healthy Living Centres, Keystone Centre (Strood) and Walter Brice (Hoo Peninsula).

Bladder and Bowel Service

You can refer to the MCH Bladder and Bowel service if you are 18 years old or over and registered with a Medway GP.  Please complete the ONLINE RFERRAL FORM

Bladder and Bowel continence clinics are held at Rochester Healthy Living Centre, Lordswood Healthy Living Centre, and Keystone Centre (Strood). Catheter clinics are held at Rochester Healthy Living Centre, Lordswood Healthy Living Centre, Keystone Centre (Strood), Walter Brice (Hoo), and MCH House (Gillingham).

Please note – this is not an emergency service and you will only be able to book the next available appointment.  They can only provide pads for urinary and faecal incontinence, no other bodily fluids.  They do not provide pads for short term or occasional incontinence.

Blood Test Booking 

Blood test booking is available online HERE. You can choose a time and place that suits you. 


Breast Screening if you are a woman aged 71 or over

If you are aged 71 or over, you will no longer automatically be invited for breast screening. However, you do have the right to free screening every 3 years if you ask. All you need to do is phone or write to your local breast screening unit to make an appointment.  Find a breast screening service.


Hearing Tests

There are several ways you can get your hearing tested yourself without the need to be referred by a GP. 

However, it is important to always see a GP first if:

  • you also have other symptoms, like earache or discharge – this could be something easily treatable like an earwax build-up or ear infection
  • you have suddent hearing loss in one ear
  • you're worried about your child's hearing

Pharmacies and opticians such as Specsavers and Boots often offer these tests for free but you'll normally have to pay for any treatment you might need (such as hearing aids).

You can also do a simple hearing test online.  This can tell you if you need to have a face-to-face hearing test. Check your hearing online here with the RNID's free online hearing test.


Speech and Language Therapy

KCHFT accept referrals for childern over the age of 3 (with some exceptions). Patients can self-refer by completing the online referral form.  You can use this form to refer to Speech and Langauge Therapy. 


North Kent Community Ophthalmology Service

The North Kent Minor Eye Care Service (MECS) is a free NHS service which provides patients experiencing certain eye conditions with appropriate treatment closer to home. The service is run by Operose and is provided by local optometrists with the specialist knowledge and skills to carry out this work at a locally approved optical practice. 

Conditions covered by the service are as follows:

  • Sudden or recent reduction in vision in one or both eyes
  • Red eye(s) or eye lids
  • Pain and/or discomfort in the eyes, around the eye area or temples
  • Recent onset or sudden increase of flashes and/or floaters in one or both eyes (appears like a fly, black specks or a cobweb moving across your vision)
  • Mild trauma, for example a scratch to the outer surface of the eye(s) or lids(s)
  • Suspected foreign body in the eye
  • Dry eye
  • Significant recent discharge from or watering of the eye
  • Trichiasis (in growing eyelashes)

You can contact any of the approved opticians yourself and ask to make a MECS appointment.  To find out further information and how to self refer PLEASE CLICK HERE